
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Advantages Compared With A Bar Chart Candlestick Chart

There are three main advantages of candlestick charts compared with bar charts.

1. Candlestick charts more visual than on a bar chart (Visually immediate). Try once in a while you are using candle charts, it's easier to see what happened during that period, day, week, hour or minute.

With bar charts we need mental enough to do execution price. We need to say to ourselves,''tick to the left states where the price is opened, tick the right of states where where the price closed. Now I understand that the period of rise. "With a candlestick chart he did it all to you. You can use the energy fatherly analyze, not to describe what happens with prices.

2. With candles you can see the trends more quickly by finding out if it is light or colored candle. In the period of the trend we can explain with specifics regarding price formation.Candle making it easier to price a wide range comprehension during the day. Candlestick wide show something dramatic happens to the price. While a narrow price range may indicate there is little agreement on price.

3. Most importantly, the candlestick is vital to show the direction of market movements that turn. This usually happens in the short term, to be more precise please find these things when your own trading.
When told about the reversal of traditional techniques, it is usually associated with the pattern that occurred during the period of time. Typical is the double top reversal pattern as well as head and shoulders. As a definition, it involves the distribution of the smart money on the price to the naive traders and normally occurs within a few weeks or months.

Candlestick accurately able to describe changes in a trend which occurred at the end of each swing in the short-term period. If you carefully pay attention to often candlestick signals to you regarding the changes occurring.

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